I am using the classification_tf2 in launchger moder and smaple nootbook. Want to get “pretrained_efficientnet_b1” and train it. However it doesnt show it as an option on NGC registry and can not find it to download. It only shows “_b0”. How to fix this?
"Configuration of the TAO Toolkit Instance
task_group: [‘model’, ‘dataset’, ‘deploy’]
format_version: 3.0
toolkit_version: 5.3.0
published_date: 03/14/2024
"!ngc registry model list nvidia/tao/pretrained_classification_tf2:*
| Versi | Accur | Epoch | Batch | GPU | Memor | File | Statu | Creat |
| on | acy | s | Size | Model | y Foo | Size | s | ed |
| | | | | | tprin | | | Date |
| | | | | | t | | | |
| effic | | | | | | 45.6 | UPLOA | Dec |
| ientn | | | | | | MB | D_COM | 08, |
| et_b0 | | | | | | | PLETE | 2022 |
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