• Hardware : A5000
• Network Type: Yolo_v4
• TLT Version: 3.22.05
• Training spec file :
d26_yolov4_apm_apr1924_pruned_retrain_v5.txt (3.0 KB)
The model trained with the above spec file, after exporting and converting to an engine file with int8 precision and batch size 1 when tested using trtexec gives a maximum of 6.5 FPS. Log details already shared in a previous thread Low FPS for pruned tao toolkit models on deepstream - #30 by Fiona.Chen
Pruning ratio for the model is 0.57
How do I train a yolov4 model on tao toolkit which will give me 15 FPS on trtexec?
6 posts - 2 participants