Please provide the following information when requesting support.
• Hardware (T4/V100/Xavier/Nano/etc) NVIDIA RTX A5000
• Network Type (Detectnet_v2/Faster_rcnn/Yolo_v4/LPRnet/Mask_rcnn/Classification/etc) Yolo_v4
• TLT Version (Please run “tlt info --verbose” and share “docker_tag” here)Docker version 27.5.1, build 9f9e405
• Training spec file(If have, please share here)
• How to reproduce the issue ? (This is for errors. Please share the command line and the detailed log here.)
My goal is to upgrade the module engine from deepstream 5.x to 7.x
What should be the correct content of export_config.txt?
$ tao deploy yolo_v4 gen_trt_engine -m /workspace/tao_tutorials/sigg_train_000_yolov4_mobilenet_v2_epoch_113.etlt -k MW05bWZiZ25jMmJzMWRubDY0M2hodWJoYzI6NWY5YzMwNzUtZDQyYi00NzdmLWIzYmMtNmZlM2NkZDQ3OTAw -e /workspace/tao_tutorials/export_config.txt --engine_file /workspace/tao_tutorials/output/yolov4_mobilenet_v2.engine -r /workspace/tau_tutorials/output
2025-01-30 17:28:54,248 [TAO Toolkit] [INFO] root 160: Registry: [‘’]
2025-01-30 17:28:54,279 [TAO Toolkit] [INFO] nvidia_tao_cli.components.instance_handler.local_instance 360: Running command in container:
2025-01-30 17:28:54,315 [TAO Toolkit] [WARNING] nvidia_tao_cli.components.docker_handler.docker_handler 288:
Docker will run the commands as root. If you would like to retain your
local host permissions, please add the “user”:“UID:GID” in the
DockerOptions portion of the “/home/zivh/.tao_mounts.json” file. You can obtain your
users UID and GID by using the “id -u” and “id -g” commands on the
2025-01-30 17:28:54,315 [TAO Toolkit] [INFO] nvidia_tao_cli.components.docker_handler.docker_handler 301: Printing tty value True
[2025-01-30 15:28:55,297 - TAO Toolkit - matplotlib.font_manager - INFO] generated new fontManager
2025-01-30 15:28:55,923 [TAO Toolkit] [INFO] root 167: Starting yolo_v4 gen_trt_engine.
2025-01-30 15:28:55,923 [TAO Toolkit] [INFO] root 55: The provided .etlt file is in UFF format.
2025-01-30 15:28:55,924 [TAO Toolkit] [INFO] root 56: Input name: b’Input’
2025-01-30 15:28:55,963 [TAO Toolkit] [INFO] root 167: 1:2 : Message type “Experiment” does not have extensions.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/nvidia_tao_deploy/cv/yolo_v4/scripts/”, line 207, in
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/nvidia_tao_deploy/cv/common/”, line 63, in _func
raise e
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/nvidia_tao_deploy/cv/common/”, line 47, in _func
runner(cfg, **kwargs)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/nvidia_tao_deploy/cv/yolo_v4/scripts/”, line 44, in main
es = load_proto(args.experiment_spec)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/nvidia_tao_deploy/cv/yolo_v4/proto/”, line 36, in load_proto
_load_from_file(config, proto)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/nvidia_tao_deploy/cv/yolo_v4/proto/”, line 35, in _load_from_file
merge_text_proto(, pb2)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/google/protobuf/”, line 719, in Merge
return MergeLines(
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/google/protobuf/”, line 793, in MergeLines
return parser.MergeLines(lines, message)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/google/protobuf/”, line 818, in MergeLines
self._ParseOrMerge(lines, message)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/google/protobuf/”, line 837, in _ParseOrMerge
self._MergeField(tokenizer, message)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/google/protobuf/”, line 884, in _MergeField
raise tokenizer.ParseErrorPreviousToken(
google.protobuf.text_format.ParseError: 1:2 : Message type “Experiment” does not have extensions.
[2025-01-30 15:28:56,025 - TAO Toolkit - - INFO] Sending telemetry data.
[2025-01-30 15:28:56,025 - TAO Toolkit - root - INFO] ================> Start Reporting Telemetry <================
[2025-01-30 15:28:56,025 - TAO Toolkit - root - INFO] Sending {‘version’: ‘5.5.0’, ‘action’: ‘gen_trt_engine’, ‘network’: ‘yolo_v4’, ‘gpu’: [‘NVIDIA-RTX-A5000’], ‘success’: False, ‘time_lapsed’: 0.4979846477508545} to
[2025-01-30 15:28:57,123 - TAO Toolkit - root - INFO] Telemetry sent successfully.
[2025-01-30 15:28:57,124 - TAO Toolkit - root - INFO] ================> End Reporting Telemetry <================
[2025-01-30 15:28:57,124 - TAO Toolkit - - INFO] Execution status: FAIL
2025-01-30 17:28:57,211 [TAO Toolkit] [INFO] nvidia_tao_cli.components.docker_handler.docker_handler 363: Stopping container.
$ nano export_config.txt
k: MW05b…NmZlM2NkZDQ3OTAw
1 post - 1 participant