My config convert tfcords and training:
config_train.txt (9.6 KB)
convert_data_val.txt (797 Bytes)
convert_data_train.txt (804 Bytes)
I’m training detectnet_v2 with dataset custom for 7 classes and mAP so low or even = 0.
{“face”: 2.5185, “person”: 6.9118, “bicycle”: 0.0, “car”: 1.9527, “motorcycle”: 0.0, “bus”: 0.0, “truck”: 0.0}
I’ll check and set-up my config but not work out. Please, help me. Thanks a lot!
The number of labels(7 classes) in train folder:
b’car’: 621051
b’person’: 703912
b’motorcycle’: 199312
b’bus’: 20613
b’face’: 360910
b’truck’: 47091
b’bicycle’: 13892
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